Here are our FAQs. If you have an unanswered question on this page, contact us through the CONTACT page.
What are your shipping costs ?
Shipping costs are free from $75 of purchases, anywhere in the world.
For each order placed on our website, you have access to a tracking number that allows you to trackfollow your order. You will receive the link via e-mail as soon as your order has been shipped (please check your spam box).
When is my order processed ?
In order to guarantee your satisfaction, and ensure you receive your products as soon as possible, we ship your package the day after you place your order on our website.
How do I enter the promo code ?
Once you are finished shopping on our website, and reach thet check out stage, you will find a summary of your order and , a "discount code". Enter they code and it will automatically be applied to your order. Note: During certain sales, codes will be disabled. Limit one discount code per order.
What forms of payments do you accept ?
We accept Mastercard, Visa, Apple Pay and PayPal.
Can I use Amyla products on relaxed hair ?
Our products can be used on relaxed hair. Of course, the results are more visible on natural hair, but clients see results on relaxed hair as well.
What are the ingredients used in Amyla Cosmetics products ?
You can visit our website to see the ingredients of each product. We use natural ingredients designed to grow and care for your hair in the best, possible way
Do the hair growth products really work ?
Yes, most clients have seen results and improvements with our products, which are suitable for all hair types and textures. The composition of our hair growth products is made to nourish the hair and help it grow faster. However, being as each hair is unique, we cannot guarantee it will work on you. That's why you get your money back if you don't see results after 2 months.
Do Amyla Cosmetics Products work for all hair types/textures ?
Yes, our products are suitable for all hair types and textures.